Help me heal my pain.

What if you had an expert to teach you how to heal chronic pain rather than trying, on your own, to figure out what treatments and medications might be able to help?
This $199 Healing Chronic Pain Mastercourse can help people with:
back pain
IBS/irritable bladder
neck pain
abdominal/pelvic pain
and more...
Whether you’ve been struggling with pain a short time or it has been a lifelong challenge, chances are you’re:
Frustrated by the lack of support and real understanding of how pain impacts your life on a daily basis​
Tired of looking for doctors, medications, and treatments that will actually help
Concerned about the side effects and risks of the medications you are taking and procedures you've endured
Confused defeated, and overwhelmed about what to do next
Getting worse
Rates of chronic pain in the United States are increasing over time.
Diagnoses are varied
Headache, backpain, TMJ/TMD, fibromyalgia, sciatica, IBS, trigeminal neuralgia, interstitial cystitis, and more
You're not alone
Approximately 25% of American adults experience chronic pain
New Research Supports using Reprocessing Skills for Healing Chronic Pain
A study published in the highly-regarded, peer-reviewed JAMA Psychiatry found that Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT) reduced pain intensity and led to more patients reporting a "pain free" state after treatment and 1 year later compared to placebo or usual care.
Per the article, "PRT help patients reconceptualize their pain as due to nondangerous brain activity rather than peripheral tissue injury, using a combination of cognitive, somatic, and exposure-based techniques."
Those are the same techniques taught in this mastercourse with the addition of nutrition!
Special new addition to the course for 2023!

What is included?
Your $199 fully refundable purchase includes:
Created by Dr. Kelly Donahue, this course offers 10 modules that contain over 6 hours of self-paced, guided tutorials based on her experience working with hundreds of pain clients of all ages.
8 unique audio meditations to turn off your brain's stress response.
All worksheets, exercises, and resources can be downloaded to practice the material and rewire your brain so you can heal.
Licensed Clinical Health Psychologist
Advanced Training in Psychophysiologic Pain
Advanced Training in Mind-Body Medicine
Advanced Training in Nutrition for Mental Health
Over 15 years of experience in individual and group work, public health, and research
Former chronic pain sufferer